09 noviembre 2011

El lenguaje libertario

"Si, de todos los seres, el hombre es el “único ser nacido realmente para vivir libre”, si es, por su naturaleza, ser-parala-libertad, la pérdida de la libertad debería ejercer sus efectos sobre la naturaleza humana misma: el hombre se ha desnaturalizado, por lo tanto debe cambiar de naturaleza. No cabe duda de que no adquiere con ello naturaleza angélica alguna."

Pierre Clastres.

"El lenguaje libertario", excelente selección de Christian Ferrer, con textos de Chomsky, Bookchin, Deleuze, Foucault, entre otros.

01 noviembre 2011

"Laughter, though, only infrequently corresponds to the outline of compenetration. Ordinarily what it puts into play is a comic object, facing which it's (theoretically) sufficient to have one person laughing, not two. As a general rule, two or several people laugh. The laugh reverberates, amplified from one person to another, but those laughing may be unaware – they may be - of their compenetration; they can treat it as a negligible element or have no awareness of it. It's not among those who laugh that the rupture takes place and otherness comes into the picture, but in the movement of the comic object".

The Bataille Reader. Buenisimo.